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Party Weird

Exhibition image

Wendy Gunthorpe

Gnawed, hacked, snapped - tossed in a trash heap or merely... forgotten. Salvaging their intact body parts, borrowing and crafting a few; Anew, they mark the occasion with a party.

“Party weird with these ones” 

Life can be short for a toy. 

Chewed up and spat out, 

Lawnmowers and dogs and teething kids. 

Didn’t give up though, 

these ones. 

Grabbed some body parts. 

Looked for a party. 

They welcome you, 

these ones. 


Here, in this weird house party, they celebrate their strange and unique selves.  Reconstructed from discarded toys and objects or cast from clay and silicon, or remoulded from plastic and rubber. These assemblages and sculptures, they are nonsensical - they are simply having fun. Dance, flirt and celebrate your own strange and unique self with them.  

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